Qi Zhou
Qi Zhou
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One-dimensional quasiperiodic mosaic lattice with exact mobility edges
Y Wang, X Xia, L Zhang, H Yao, S Chen, J You, Q Zhou, XJ Liu
Physical Review Letters 125 (19), 196604, 2020
Exact mobility edges, -symmetry breaking, and skin effect in one-dimensional non-Hermitian quasicrystals
Y Liu, Y Wang, XJ Liu, Q Zhou, S Chen
Physical Review B 103 (1), 014203, 2021
Localization transition, spectrum structure, and winding numbers for one-dimensional non-Hermitian quasicrystals
Y Liu, Q Zhou, S Chen
Physical Review B 104 (2), 024201, 2021
Sharp phase transitions for the almost Mathieu operator
A Avila, J You, Q Zhou
Exact new mobility edges between critical and localized states
XC Zhou, Y Wang, TFJ Poon, Q Zhou, XJ Liu
Physical Review Letters 131 (17), 176401, 2023
Sharp Hölder continuity of the Lyapunov exponent of finitely differentiable quasi-periodic cocycles
A Cai, C Chavaudret, J You, Q Zhou
Mathematische Zeitschrift 291, 931-958, 2019
Asymptotics of spectral gaps of quasi-periodic Schr\" odinger operators
M Leguil, J You, Z Zhao, Q Zhou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.04700, 2017
Embedding of analytic quasi-periodic cocycles into analytic quasi-periodic linear systems and its applications
J You, Q Zhou
Communications in Mathematical Physics 323, 975-1005, 2013
Response solutions for quasi-periodically forced harmonic oscillators
J Wang, J You, Q Zhou
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 369 (6), 4251-4274, 2017
Dry ten Martini problem in the non-critical case
A Avila, J You, Q Zhou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.16254, 2023
Reducibility results for quasiperiodic cocycles with Liouvillean frequency
Q Zhou, J Wang
Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 24 (1), 61-83, 2012
On the abominable properties of the almost Mathieu operator with well-approximated frequencies
A Avila, Y Last, M Shamis, Q Zhou
Duke Mathematical Journal 173 (4), 603-672, 2024
Exponential dynamical localization: Criterion and applications
L Ge, J You, Q Zhou
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.04258, 2019
Linearization of quasiperiodically forced circle flows beyond Brjuno condition
R Krikorian, J Wang, J You, Q Zhou
Communications in Mathematical Physics 358, 81-100, 2018
Exact mobility edges for 1D quasiperiodic models
Y Wang, X Xia, J You, Z Zheng, Q Zhou
Communications in Mathematical Physics 401 (3), 2521-2567, 2023
Second phase transition line
A Avila, S Jitomirskaya, Q Zhou
Mathematische Annalen 370 (1), 271-285, 2018
Multiplicative Jensen's formula and quantitative global theory of one-frequency Schr\" odinger operators
L Ge, S Jitomirskaya, J You, Q Zhou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.16387, 2023
Phase transition and semi-global reducibility
J You, Q Zhou
Communications in Mathematical Physics 330, 1095-1113, 2014
Positive Hausdorff dimensional spectrum for the critical almost Mathieu operator
B Helffer, Q Liu, Y Qu, Q Zhou
Communications in Mathematical Physics 368, 369-382, 2019
1-d quantum harmonic oscillator with time quasi-periodic quadratic perturbation: reducibility and growth of Sobolev norms
Z Liang, Z Zhao, Q Zhou
Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 146, 158-182, 2021
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Articles 1–20