Margaret Carr Larkin
Margaret Carr Larkin
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
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Cited by
Hippocampal replay in the awake state: a potential substrate for memory consolidation and retrieval
MF Carr, SP Jadhav, LM Frank
Nature neuroscience 14 (2), 147-153, 2011
Neural ensemble dynamics underlying a long-term associative memory
BF Grewe, J Gründemann, LJ Kitch, JA Lecoq, JG Parker, JD Marshall, ...
Nature 543 (7647), 670-675, 2017
Transient slow gamma synchrony underlies hippocampal memory replay
MF Carr, MP Karlsson, LM Frank
Neuron 75 (4), 700-713, 2012
Hippocampal SWR Activity Predicts Correct Decisions during the Initial Learning of an Alternation Task
AC Singer, MF Carr, MP Karlsson, LM Frank
Neuron 77 (6), 1163-1173, 2013
Constant sub-second cycling between representations of possible futures in the hippocampus
K Kay, JE Chung, M Sosa, JS Schor, MP Karlsson, MC Larkin, DF Liu, ...
Cell 180 (3), 552-567. e25, 2020
A hippocampal network for spatial coding during immobility and sleep
K Kay, M Sosa, JE Chung, MP Karlsson, MC Larkin, LM Frank
Nature 531 (7593), 185-190, 2016
Rapid and Continuous Modulation of Hippocampal Network State during Exploration of New Places
C Kemere, MF Carr, MP Karlsson, LM Frank
PloS one 8 (9), e73114, 2013
Hippocampal output area CA1 broadcasts a generalized novelty signal during an object‐place recognition task
MC Larkin, C Lykken, LD Tye, JG Wickelgren, LM Frank
Hippocampus 24 (7), 773-783, 2014
Experience-dependent development of coordinated hippocampal spatial activity representing the similarity of related locations
AC Singer, MP Karlsson, AR Nathe, MF Carr, LM Frank
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (35), 11586-11604, 2010
A single microcircuit with multiple functions: state dependent information processing in the hippocampus
MF Carr, LM Frank
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 22 (4), 704-708, 2012
Distinct hippocampal-cortical memory representations for experiences associated with movement versus immobility
YY Jai, K Kay, DF Liu, I Grossrubatscher, A Loback, M Sosa, JE Chung, ...
Elife 6, e27621, 2017
Regular cycling between representations of alternatives in the Hippocampus
K Kay, JE Chung, M Sosa, JS Schor, MP Karlsson, MC Larkin, DF Liu, ...
Cell 180, 552-567, 2019
A hippocampal network for spatial coding during immobility and sleep
L Frank, K Kay, M Sosa, JE Chung, MP Karlsson, MC Larkin, LM Frank
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