Raúl Arámbula Mendoza
Raúl Arámbula Mendoza
Profesor en la Universidad de Colima
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Cited by
Generation of Vulcanian activity and long-period seismicity at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
N Varley, R Arámbula-Mendoza, G Reyes-Dávila, R Sanderson, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 198 (1-2), 45-56, 2010
Long-period seismicity during magma movement at Volcán de Colima
NR Varley, R Arámbula-Mendoza, G Reyes-Dávila, J Stevenson, ...
Bulletin of volcanology 72, 1093-1107, 2010
Volcán de Colima dome collapse of July, 2015 and associated pyroclastic density currents
GA Reyes-Dávila, R Arámbula-Mendoza, R Espinasa-Pereña, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 320, 100-106, 2016
Large tectonic earthquakes induce sharp temporary decreases in seismic velocity in Volcán de Colima, Mexico
P Lesage, G Reyes‐Dávila, R Arámbula‐Mendoza
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (5), 4360-4376, 2014
Hydrological control of large hurricane-induced lahars: evidence from rainfall-runoff modeling, seismic and video monitoring
L Capra, V Coviello, L Borselli, VH Márquez-Ramírez, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (3), 781-794, 2018
Seismic activity that accompanied the effusive and explosive eruptions during the 2004–2005 period at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
R Arámbula-Mendoza, P Lesage, C Valdés-González, NR Varley, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 205 (1-2), 30-46, 2011
The anatomy of a lahar: Deciphering the 15th September 2012 lahar at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
R Vázquez, L Capra, L Caballero, R Arámbula-Mendoza, G Reyes-Dávila
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 272, 126-136, 2014
Seismic characterisation of lahars at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
R Vázquez, E Suriñach, L Capra, R Arámbula-Mendoza, G Reyes-Dávila
Bulletin of Volcanology 78 (2), 8, 2016
Seismic monitoring of effusive-explosive activity and large lava dome collapses during 2013–2015 at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
R Arámbula-Mendoza, G Reyes-Dávila, MVB Dulce, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 351, 75-88, 2018
Localized and distributed erosion triggered by the 2015 Hurricane Patricia investigated by repeated drone surveys and time lapse cameras at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
TR Walter, J Salzer, N Varley, C Navarro, R Arámbula-Mendoza, ...
Geomorphology 319, 186-198, 2018
Seismic and experimental insights into eruption precursors at Volcán de Colima
OD Lamb, S De Angelis, RJ Wall, A Lamur, NR Varley, G Reyes‐Dávila, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (12), 6092-6100, 2017
The anatomy of a pyroclastic density current: the 10 July 2015 event at Volcán de Colima (Mexico)
L Capra, R Sulpizio, VH Márquez-Ramirez, V Coviello, DM Doronzo, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 80, 1-14, 2018
Temporal and spatial variation of the stress state of Popocatépetl Volcano, Mexico
R Arámbula-Mendoza, C Valdés-González, A Martínez-Bringas
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 196 (3-4), 156-168, 2010
Performance of the ‘material Failure Forecast Method’in real-time situations: A Bayesian approach applied on effusive and explosive eruptions
A Boué, P Lesage, G Cortés, B Valette, G Reyes-Dávila, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 327, 622-633, 2016
Tremor and its duration‐amplitude distribution at Popocatépetl volcano, Mexico
R Arámbula‐Mendoza, C Valdés‐González, N Varley, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (17), 8994-9001, 2016
Load stress controls on directional lava dome growth at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
EU Zorn, N Le Corvec, NR Varley, JT Salzer, TR Walter, C Navarro-Ochoa, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 84, 2019
Absence of detectable precursory deformation and velocity variation before the large dome collapse of July 2015 at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
P Lesage, A Carrara, V Pinel, R Arámbula-Mendoza
Frontiers in Earth Science 6, 93, 2018
Initial processing of volcanic seismic signals using Hidden Markov Models: Nevado del Huila, Colombia
N Trujillo-Castrillón, CM Valdés-González, R Arámbula-Mendoza, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 364, 107-120, 2018
Spatial and temporal b-value characterization at Popocatépetl volcano, Central Mexico
Q Rodríguez-Pérez, M Monterrubio-Velasco, FR Zúñiga, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 417, 107320, 2021
Destruction of a lava dome observed with photogrammetry, acoustic and seismic sensors at Volcán de Colima, Mexico
R Arámbula-Mendoza, N Varley, R García-Flores, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 395, 106834, 2020
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Articles 1–20