Xiangzhen Kong
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Zitiert von
Sorption of four hydrophobic organic compounds by three chemically distinct polymers: role of chemical and physical composition
X Guo, X Wang, X Zhou, X Kong, S Tao, B Xing
Environmental science & technology 46 (13), 7252-7259, 2012
The seasonal and spatial variations of phytoplankton community and their correlation with environmental factors in a large eutrophic Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu)
YJ Jiang, W He, WX Liu, N Qin, HL Ouyang, QM Wang, XZ Kong, QS He, ...
Ecological Indicators 40, 58-67, 2014
Improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions
Y Tong, M Wang, J Peñuelas, X Liu, HW Paerl, JJ Elser, J Sardans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (21), 11566-11572, 2020
Spatio-temporal distributions and the ecological and health risks of phthalate esters (PAEs) in the surface water of a large, shallow Chinese lake
W He, N Qin, X Kong, W Liu, Q He, H Ouyang, C Yang, Y Jiang, Q Wang, ...
Science of The Total Environment 461, 672-680, 2013
Hydrological regulation drives regime shifts: evidence from paleolimnology and ecosystem modeling of a large shallow Chinese lake
X Kong, Q He, B Yang, W He, F Xu, ABG Janssen, JJ Kuiper, L Gerven, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (2), 737-754, 2017
Spatial identification of critical nutrient loads of large shallow lakes: Implications for Lake Taihu (China)
ABG Janssen, VCL de Jager, JH Janse, X Kong, S Liu, Q Ye, WM Mooij
Water Research 119, 276-287, 2017
Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective
ABG Janssen, GB Arhonditsis, A Beusen, K Bolding, L Bruce, ...
Aquatic Ecology 49 (4), 513-548, 2015
Distribution, partitioning and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water–SPM–sediment system of Lake Chaohu, China
N Qin, W He, XZ Kong, WX Liu, QS He, B Yang, QM Wang, C Yang, ...
Science of the Total Environment 496, 414-423, 2014
Ecological risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the water from a large Chinese lake based on multiple indicators
N Qin, W He, XZ Kong, WX Liu, QS He, B Yang, HL Ouyang, QM Wang, ...
Ecological Indicators 24, 599-608, 2013
Key issues for the development and application of the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) model for ecological risk assessment
FL Xu, YL Li, Y Wang, W He, XZ Kong, N Qin, WX Liu, WJ Wu, ...
Ecological Indicators 54, 227-237, 2015
Effects of five heavy metals at sub-lethal concentrations on the growth and photosynthesis of Chlorella vulgaris
HL Ouyang, XZ Kong, W He, N Qin, QS He, Y Wang, R Wang, FL Xu
Chinese Science Bulletin 57, 3363-3370, 2012
How to model algal blooms in any lake on earth
ABG Janssen, JH Janse, AHW Beusen, M Chang, JA Harrison, I Huttunen, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 36, 1-10, 2019
Multimedia fate modeling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Lake Small Baiyangdian, Northern China
FL Xu, N Qin, Y Zhu, W He, XZ Kong, MT Barbour, QS He, Y Wang, ...
Ecological Modelling 252, 246-257, 2013
The residues, distribution, and partition of organochlorine pesticides in the water, suspended solids, and sediments from a large Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu) during the high …
WX Liu, W He, N Qin, XZ Kong, QS He, HL Ouyang, FL Xu
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20 (4), 2033-2045, 2013
Characterization, ecological and health risks of DDTs and HCHs in water from a large shallow Chinese lake
W He, N Qin, QS He, Y Wang, XZ Kong, FL Xu
Ecological Informatics 12, 77-84, 2012
Atmospheric partitioning and the air–water exchange of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a large shallow Chinese lake (Lake Chaohu)
N Qin, W He, XZ Kong, WX Liu, QS He, B Yang, HL Ouyang, QM Wang, ...
Chemosphere 93 (9), 1685-1693, 2013
Comparison of transport pathways and potential sources of PM 10 in two cities around a large Chinese lake using the modified trajectory analysis
X Kong, W He, N Qin, Q He, B Yang, H Ouyang, Q Wang, F Xu
Atmospheric Research 122, 284-297, 2013
Reservoir water quality deterioration due to deforestation emphasizes the indirect effects of global change
X Kong, S Ghaffar, M Determann, K Friese, S Jomaa, C Mi, T Shatwell, ...
Water Research 221, 118721, 2022
The tempo-spatial variations of phytoplankton diversities and their correlation with trophic state levels in a large eutrophic Chinese lake
B Yang, YJ Jiang, W He, WX Liu, XZ Kong, SE Jørgensen, FL Xu
Ecological Indicators 66, 153-162, 2016
Modeling Decreased Resilience of Shallow Lake Ecosystems toward Eutrophication due to Microplastic Ingestion across the Food Web
X Kong, AA Koelmans
Environmental science & technology 53 (23), 13822-13831, 2019
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