Taraka Ramji Moturu
Taraka Ramji Moturu
Postdoc reseacher
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A comparison of performance of plant miRNA target prediction tools and the characterization of features for genome-wide target prediction
PK Srivastava, TR Moturu, P Pandey, IT Baldwin, SP Pandey
BMC genomics 15, 1-15, 2014
Design, solvent free synthesis, and antimicrobial evaluation of 1, 4 dihydropyridines
YLN Murthy, A Rajack, MT Ramji, C Praveen, KA Lakshmi
Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters 22 (18), 6016-6023, 2012
Molecular evolution and diversification of the SMXL gene family
TR Moturu, S Thula, RK Singh, T Nodzyński, RS Vařeková, J Friml, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany, ery097, 2018
Synthesis and in-vitro antibacterial activity of some new urea, thiourea and thiosemicarbazide derivatives
P Umadevi, K Deepti, I Srinath, G Vijayalakshmi, M Tarakaramji
Int. J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci 4, 379-383, 2012
Root system size and root hair length are key phenes for nitrate acquisition and biomass production across natural variation in Arabidopsis
J De Pessemier, TR Moturu, P Nacry, R Ebert, H De Gernier, P Tillard, ...
Journal of experimental botany 73 (11), 3569-3583, 2022
Strigolactones stimulate high light stress adaptation by modulating photosynthesis rate in Arabidopsis
S Thula, TR Moturu, H Salava, V Balakhonova, M Berka, P Kerchev, ...
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 42 (8), 4818-4833, 2023
Uncovering of cytochrome P450 anatomy by SecStrAnnotator
A Midlik, V Navrátilová, TR Moturu, J Koča, R Svobodová, K Berka
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 12345, 2021
Molecular Evolution and Diversification of Proteins Involved in miRNA Maturation Pathway.
SS Moturu TR, Sinha S, Salava H, Thula S, Nodzyński T, Vařeková RS, Friml J
Plants 9 (3), 2020
Oilseed rape cultivars show diversity of root morphologies with the potential for better capture of nitrogen
L Kupcsik, C Chiodi, TR Moturu, H De Gernier, L Haelterman, J Louvieaux, ...
Nitrogen 2 (4), 491-505, 2021
Design, synthesis and characterization of peptidyl boronate analogues as effective antimicrobial agents
DVR Venugopal, A Karteek Rao, P Uma Devi, YN Sastry, ...
Research on Chemical Intermediates 43, 5755-5778, 2017
The role of antioxidants in human health maintenance: Small molecules with infinite functions
R Lakhtakia, MT Ramji, K Lavanya, K Rajesh, K Jayakumar, C Sneha, ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 2 (6), 1395, 2011
Uma devi P. In silico docking analysis of piperine amino acid analogues against carcinogenic activating enzymes
MT Ramji, K Deepthi, KA Lakshmi
Biotechnology, 144-149, 2011
Synthesis of novel deoxyvasicinone analogs and their anti-bacterial studies
GVR Sharma, S Laxman, YLN Murthy, KA Lakshmi, GJ Babu, MT Ramji
Int J Ayurveda Pharm Chem 1 (3), 328-333, 2012
Pentamethinium salts suppress key metastatic processes by regulating mitochondrial function and inhibiting dihydroorotate dehydrogenase respiration
JL Fialova, K Hönigova, M Raudenska, L Miksatkova, R Zobalova, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 154, 113582, 2022
Automated family-wide annotation of secondary structure elements
A Midlik, I Hutařová Vařeková, J Hutař, TR Moturu, V Navrátilová, J Koča, ...
Protein Supersecondary Structures: Methods and Protocols, 47-71, 2019
Roles of small RNAs in regulation of signaling and adaptive responses in plants
SP Pandey, TR Moturu, P Pandey, SS Mandal
Recent Trends Gene Express 5, 107-132, 2013
Docking studies of carbohydrate ligands against native and mutant surfactant protein-D from Lung Alveolar type II cells
YR Babu, KR Krishna, ML Narasu, HA Narayana, MT Ramji
Der Pharma Chemica 2 (2), 27-36, 2010
In vitro and in silico evaluation of metal complexes of quinazolinones incorporated with amino acids as potential antimicrobial agents
KAL M Taraka Ramji, P Akbar Ali Khan, P Uma Devi
Journal of Pharmacy Research 3 (11), 2010
Deciphering the Role of Strigolactones Hormone in Plant Developmental Processes
T Moturu, J Koča
Joint Retreat 2019: Book of Abstracts: 25-26 June 2019: Hotel Luna, Kouty U Ledče Nad Sázavou, Czech Republic
E Képeš, V Kozlová, C Lobello, T Macháčková, T Moturu, Z Pavlačková, ...
Masaryk University, 2019
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Articles 1–20