Theodoros Papadopoulos
Cited by
Cited by
Familistic welfare capitalism in crisis: social reproduction and anti-social policy in Greece
T Papadopoulos, A Roumpakis
Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 29 (3), 204-224, 2013
Migration and welfare in the new Europe: Social protection and the challenges of integration
E Carmel, A Cerami
Policy Press, 2012
Migration and welfare in the new Europe
E Carmel, A Cerami, T Papadopoulos
Bristol: Policy Press, 2011
The new governance of social security in Britain
E Carmel, T Papadopoulos
Understanding social security: issues for social policy and practice, 31-52, 2003
The recommodification of European labour: Theoretical and empirical explorations
T Papadopoulos
The University of Bath, The European Research Institute (ERI), http://www …, 2005
The Greek welfare state in the age of austerity: anti-social policy and the politico-economic crisis
TP andAntonios Roumpakis
Social Policy Review 24: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2012 24, 205, 2012
Greek family policy from a comparative perspective
TN Papadopoulos
Women, work and the family in Europe, 47-57, 1998
Social protection and the challenges of integration
T Papadopoulos
Family as a Socio‐economic Actor in the Political Economies of East and South East Asian Welfare Capitalisms
T Papadopoulos, A Roumpakis
Social Policy & Administration 51 (6), 857-875, 2017
Immigration and the variety of migrant integration regimes in the European Union
T Papadopoulos
Migration and welfare in the New Europe: Social protection and the …, 2011
Governing the activation of older workers in the European Union: The construction of the “activated retiree”
E Carmel, K Hamblin, T Papadopoulos
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 2007
Two Decades of Social Investment in Latin America: Outcomes, Shortcomings and Achievements of Conditional Cash Transfers
T Papadopoulos, RV Leyer
Social Policy and Society 15 (03), 435-449, 2016
Support for the unemployed in a familistic welfare regime
T Papadopoulos
Social policy developments in Greece, 219-238, 2006
Social exclusion, social citizenship and de‐commodification: An evaluation of the adequacy of support for the unemployed in the European Union
H Fawcett, TN Papadopoulos
West European Politics 20 (3), 1-30, 1997
Rattling Europe’s ordoliberal ‘iron cage’: the contestation of austerity in Southern Europe
T Papadopoulos, A Roumpakis
Critical Social Policy 38 (3), 505-526, 2018
The meta‐regulation of European industrial relations: Power shifts, institutional dynamics and the emergence of regulatory competition
T Papadopoulos, A Roumpakis
International Labour Review 152 (2), 255-274, 2013
Familistic welfare capitalism in crisis: The case of Greece
T Papadopoulos, A Roumpakis
Bath, UK: European Research Institute, 2009
Family', state and social policy for children in Greece
T Papadopoulos
Children in families: Research and policy, 171-188, 1996
Family as a socio-economic actor in the political economy of welfare
T Papadopoulos, A Roumpakis
Social policy review 31, 243-66, 2019
Social insurance and the crisis of statism in Greece
TN Papadopoulos
Social Insurance in Europe (J. Clasen, ed.), 177-204, 1997
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Articles 1–20