Amr ElShaer
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Cited by
Additive manufacturing technologies for drug delivery applications
A Mohammed, A Elshaer, P Sareh, M Elsayed, H Hassanin
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 580, 119245, 2020
4D printing of origami structures for minimally invasive surgeries using functional scaffold
T Langford, A Mohammed, K Essa, A Elshaer, H Hassanin
Applied Sciences 11 (1), 332, 2020
Thermal energy storage using metal–organic framework materials
A Elsayed, E Elsayed, ALD Raya, S Mahmoud, A Elshaer, W Kaialy
Applied energy 186, 509-519, 2017
3D printing of solid oral dosage forms: numerous challenges with unique opportunities
OL Okafor-Muo, H Hassanin, R Kayyali, A ElShaer
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 109 (12), 3535-3550, 2020
Nanoparticle-laden contact lens for controlled ocular delivery of prednisolone: Formulation optimization using statistical experimental design
A ElShaer, S Mustafa, M Kasar, S Thapa, B Ghatora, RG Alany
Pharmaceutics 8 (2), 14, 2016
Oral modified release multiple-unit particulate systems: compressed pellets, microparticles and nanoparticles
N Al-Hashimi, N Begg, RG Alany, H Hassanin, A Elshaer
Pharmaceutics 10 (4), 176, 2018
Pharmaceutical excipients and drug metabolism: a mini-review
R Patel, J Barker, A ElShaer
International journal of molecular sciences 21 (21), 8224, 2020
Micro-fabrication of ceramics: Additive manufacturing and conventional technologies
H Hassanin, K Essa, A Elshaer, M Imbaby, HH El-Mongy, TA El-Sayed
Journal of advanced ceramics 10, 1-27, 2021
3DP printing of oral solid formulations: A systematic review
CRM Brambilla, OL Okafor-Muo, H Hassanin, A ElShaer
Pharmaceutics 13 (3), 358, 2021
Surface finish improvement of additive manufactured metal parts
H Hassanin, A Elshaer, R Benhadj-Djilali, F Modica, I Fassi
Micro and precision manufacturing, 145-164, 2018
Cosm-nutraceutical nanovesicles for acne treatment: Physicochemical characterization and exploratory clinical experimentation
SS Amer, M Nasr, RTA Abdel-Aziz, NH Moftah, A El Shaer, E Polycarpou, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 577, 119092, 2020
Manufacturing of metallic micro-components using hybrid soft lithography and micro-electrical discharge machining
K Essa, F Modica, M Imbaby, MA El-Sayed, A ElShaer, K Jiang, ...
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 91, 445-452, 2017
Use of amino acids as counterions improves the solubility of the BCS II model drug, indomethacin
A ElShaer, S Khan, D Perumal, P Hanson, A R. Mohammed
Current drug delivery 8 (4), 363-372, 2011
New generation of orally disintegrating tablets for sustained drug release: A propitious outlook
A Matoug Elwerfalli, Z Ghanchi, F Rashid, R G Alany, A ElShaer
Current Drug Delivery 12 (6), 652-667, 2015
Fatty Acid Based Microemulsions to Combat Ophthalmia Neonatorum Caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Staphylococcus aureus
U Butt, A ElShaer, LAS Snyder, AA Al-Kinani, A Le Gresley, RG Alany
Nanomaterials 8 (1), 51, 2018
Preparation and characterization of amino acids-based trimethoprim salts
A ElShaer, P Hanson, T Worthington, P Lambert, AR Mohammed
Pharmaceutics 4 (1), 179-196, 2012
Quercetin loaded cosm-nutraceutical electrospun composite nanofibers for acne alleviation: Preparation, characterization and experimental clinical appraisal
SS Amer, W Mamdouh, M Nasr, A ElShaer, E Polycarpou, RTA Abdel-Aziz, ...
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 612, 121309, 2022
Recent patents and trends in orally disintegrating tablets
F A. AlHusban, A M. El-Shaer, R J. Jones, A R. Mohammed
Recent Patents on Drug Delivery & Formulation 4 (3), 178-197, 2010
Efficient approach to enhance drug solubility by particle engineering of bovine serum albumin
M Khoder, H Abdelkader, A ElShaer, A Karam, M Najlah, RG Alany
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 515 (1-2), 740-748, 2016
A novel concentration dependent amino acid ion pair strategy to mediate drug permeation using indomethacin as a model insoluble drug
A ElShaer, P Hanson, AR Mohammed
European journal of pharmaceutical sciences 62, 124-131, 2014
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Articles 1–20