Lucia Molina Domínguez
Lucia Molina Domínguez
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Effect of different extraction methods on bound EPS from MBR sludges. Part I: Influence of extraction methods over three-dimensional EEM fluorescence spectroscopy fingerprint
L Domínguez, M Rodríguez, D Prats
Desalination 261 (1-2), 19-26, 2010
Towards the standardisation of the neuroblastoma (neuro-2a) cell-based assay for ciguatoxin-like toxicity detection in fish: Application to fish caught in the Canary Islands
A Caillaud, H Eixarch, P De La Iglesia, M Rodriguez, L Dominguez, ...
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 29 (6), 1000-1010, 2012
An overview of marine ornamental fish breeding as a potential support to the aquarium trade and to the conservation of natural fish populations
LM Domínguez, AS Botella
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 9 (4), 608-632, 2014
A comparative study of sediments under a marine cage farm at Gran Canaria island (Spain). Preliminary results”
L Molina Dominguez, G Lopez calero, J Vergara, L Robaina
Aquaculture 192, 225-231, 2001
Live prey first feeding regimes for short-snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus (Linnaeus, 1758) juveniles
F Otero, L Molina, J Socorro, R Herrera, P Villares, M Monroy, ...
Aquaculture research 41 (9), 8-19, 2010
Development of seahorse (Hippocampus reidi, Ginsburg 1933), histological and histochemical study.
B Novelli, J Socorro, MJ Caballero, F Otero-Ferrer, L Molina Domínguez
Aquaculture, 2015
Effect of different extraction methods on bound EPS from MBR sludges: Part II: Influence of extraction methods over molecular weight distribution
L Domínguez, M Rodríguez, D Prats
Desalination 262 (1-3), 106-109, 2010
Evaluación de impacto ambiental de acuicultura en jaulas en Canarias
JM Vergara, R Haroun, N González, L Molina, O Briz, A Boyra, L Gutiérrez, ...
JM Vergara, R. Haroun y N. González Oceanográfica. Telde (Gran Canaria), España, 2005
:”Embryonic development, influence of egg density on early veliger larvae and effects of dietary microalgae on growth of brown mussel Perna perna (L. 1758) larvae under …
L Aarab, A Pérez-Camacho, MP Viera Toledo, G Courtois de Viçose, ...
Aquaculture International 21, 1065-1076, 2013
Effect of the diet on seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus) growth, body color and biochemical composition
A Segade, L Robaina, F Otero-Ferrer, J García-Romero, L Molina.
Aquaculture research, DOI 10.1111/anu12202, 2014
Efecto de la aplicación del extracto hidroalcohólico de flores de caléndula (Calendula officinalis) en la estabilizacion del color y vida útil en pulpa de frutas
L Domínguez
Bogotá, Colombia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá: Universidad …, 2012
Rearing techniques and nutritional quality of two mysids from Gran Canaria (Spain)
A Herrera, M Gómez, L Molina, T Otero, F. and Packard
Aquaculture research 42, 677 - 683., 2011
First Identification of Palytoxin-Like Molecules in the Atlantic Coral Species Palythoa canariensis
M Fraga, N Vilariño, MC Louzao, L Molina, Y López, M Poli, LM Botana
Analytical chemistry 89 (14), 7438-7446, 2017
Digestive biochemistry as indicator of the nutritional status during early developemnt of the log snouted seahorse (Hippocampus reidi)”
B Novelli, F Otero-Ferrer, M Díaz, JA Socorro, MJ Caballero, L Molina, ...
Aquaculture 464, 196-204, 2016
Species identification and genetic structure of threatened seahorses in Gran Canaria Island (Spain) using mitochondrial and microsatellite markers.
A Lopez, M Vera, F Otero Ferrer, B Pardo, P Martinez, L Molina, C Bouza
Conservation genetics 11 (6), 2431-2436, 2010
Impacto ambiental de jaulas flotantes: estado actual de conocimientos y conclusiones prácticas
L Molina Domínguez, JM Vergara Martín
Spatial and seasonal patterns of European short-snouted seahorse Hippocampus hippocampus distribution in island coastal environments
F Otero-Ferrer, R Herrera, VM Tuset, J Socorro, L Molina
African Journal of Marine Science 37 (3), 395-404, 2015
Development of short-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus hippocampus, L. 1758): osteological and morphological aspects
B Novelli, F Otero-Ferrer, JA Socorro, MJ Caballero, A Segade-Botella, ...
Fish physiology and biochemistry 43, 833-848, 2017
Seahorses in Gran Canaria Island (Spain): ecology and aquaculture-combined tools for marine conservation issues
FO Ferrer
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2012
Aquaculture environmental impact assessment
LM Domínguez, JMV Martín
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 78, 2004
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Articles 1–20