Separation of ownership and control EF Fama, MC Jensen The journal of law and Economics 26 (2), 301-325, 1983 | 56120* | 1983 |
Efficient capital markets EF Fama Journal of finance 25 (2), 383-417, 1970 | 44979* | 1970 |
Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds EF Fama, KR French Journal of financial economics 33 (1), 3-56, 1993 | 37880 | 1993 |
The cross‐section of expected stock returns EF Fama, KR French the Journal of Finance 47 (2), 427-465, 1992 | 28954 | 1992 |
Agency problems and the theory of the firm EF Fama Journal of political economy 88 (2), 288-307, 1980 | 21154 | 1980 |
Risk, return, and equilibrium: Empirical tests EF Fama, JD MacBeth Journal of political economy 81 (3), 607-636, 1973 | 20299 | 1973 |
The behavior of stock-market prices EF Fama The journal of Business 38 (1), 34-105, 1965 | 17534 | 1965 |
Multifactor explanations of asset pricing anomalies EF Fama, KR French The journal of finance 51 (1), 55-84, 1996 | 10532 | 1996 |
A five-factor asset pricing model EF Fama, KR French Journal of financial economics 116 (1), 1-22, 2015 | 10245 | 2015 |
Market efficiency, long-term returns, and behavioral finance EF Fama Journal of financial economics 49 (3), 283-306, 1998 | 8555 | 1998 |
Industry costs of equity EF Fama, KR French Journal of financial economics 43 (2), 153-193, 1997 | 8161 | 1997 |
Size and book‐to‐market factors in earnings and returns EF Fama, KR French The journal of finance 50 (1), 131-155, 1995 | 5880 | 1995 |
Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds EF Fama, KR French Journal of financial economics 25 (1), 23-49, 1989 | 5413 | 1989 |
Dividend yields and expected stock returns EF Fama, KR French Journal of financial economics 22 (1), 3-25, 1988 | 5195 | 1988 |
Disappearing dividends: changing firm characteristics or lower propensity to pay? EF Fama, KR French Journal of Financial economics 60 (1), 3-43, 2001 | 5128 | 2001 |
Stock Returns, Real Activity, Inflation, and Money EF Fama American Economic Review, 1981 | 4967 | 1981 |
Permanent and temporary components of stock prices EF Fama, KR French Journal of political Economy 96 (2), 246-273, 1988 | 4760 | 1988 |
The capital asset pricing model: Theory and evidence EF Fama, KR French Journal of economic perspectives 18 (3), 25-46, 2004 | 4547 | 2004 |
Asset returns and inflation EF Fama, GW Schwert Journal of financial economics 5 (2), 115-146, 1977 | 4292 | 1977 |
Foundations of Finance: Portfolio Decisions and Securities Prices E Fama Basic Books, 1976 | 4249 | 1976 |