Soo-Jin Kim
Soo-Jin Kim
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Program in Bioinformatics, Seoul National University
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Cited by
Discovery of microRNA–mRNA modules via population-based probabilistic learning
JG Joung, KB Hwang, JW Nam, SJ Kim, BT Zhang
Bioinformatics 23 (9), 1141-1147, 2007
PIE: an online prediction system for protein–protein interactions from text
S Kim, SY Shin, IH Lee, SJ Kim, R Sriram, BT Zhang
Nucleic acids research 36 (suppl_2), W411-W415, 2008
Establishment and evaluation of prediction model for multiple disease classification based on gut microbial data
S Bang, DA Yoo, SJ Kim, S Jhang, S Cho, H Kim
Scientific Reports 9, 10189, 2019
Cattle genome-wide analysis reveals genetic signatures in trypanotolerant N'Dama
SJ Kim, S Ka, JW Ha, J Kim, D Yoo, K Kim, L Hak-Kyo, D Lim, S Cho, H O, ...
BMC Genomics 18 (1), 371, 2017
Evolving hypernetwork classifiers for microRNA expression profile analysis
S Kim, SJ Kim, BT Zhang
2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 313-319, 2007
Constructing higher-order miRNA-mRNA interaction networks in prostate cancer via hypergraph-based learning
SJ Kim, JW Ha, BT Zhang
BMC systems biology 7, 1-16, 2013
Bayesian evolutionary hypergraph learning for predicting cancer clinical outcomes
SJ Kim, JW Ha, BT Zhang
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 49, 101-111, 2014
A probabilistic coevolutionary biclustering algorithm for discovering coherent patterns in gene expression dataset
JG Joung, SJ Kim, SY Shin, BT Zhang
BMC bioinformatics 13, 1-10, 2012
Evolutionary layered hypernetworks for identifying microRNA-mRNA regulatory modules
SJ Kim, JW Ha, B Lee, BT Zhang
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1-8, 2010
Use of evolutionary hypernetworks for mining prostate cancer data
CH Park, SJ Kim, S Kim, DY Cho, BT Zhang
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems …, 2007
Finding cancer-related gene combinations using a molecular evolutionary algorithm
CH Park, SJ Kim, S Kim, DY Cho, BT Zhang
2007 IEEE 7th International Symposium on BioInformatics and BioEngineering …, 2007
Genome-wide identification of discriminative genetic variations in beef and dairy cattle via an Information-Theoretic Approach
SJ Kim, JW Ha, H Kim
Genes 11 (6), 678, 2020
Sensitivity and specificity evaluation of multiple neurodegenerative proteins for Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease diagnosis using a deep-learning approach
SM Lee, JW Hyeon, SJ Kim, H Kim, R Noh, S Kim, YS Lee, SY Kim
Prion 13 (1), 2019
Bayesian evolutionary hypernetworks for interpretable learning from high-dimensional data
SJ Kim, JW Ha, H Kim, BT Zhang
Applied Soft Computing 81, 105477, 2019
Identifying compound risk factors of disease by evolutionary learning of SNP combinatorial features
JK Rhee, JW Ha, SH Bae, SJ Kim, MS Lee, KJ Park, BT Zhang
Journal of KIISE: Computing Practices and Letters 15 (12), 928-932, 2009
Co-evolutionary biclustering for microrna expression profiles analysis
SJ Kim, JG Joung, BT Zhang
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Korean Society for …, 2006
Identifying DNA Methylation Modules Associated with a Cancer by Probabilistic Evolutionary Learning
JK Rhee, SJ Kim, BT Zhang
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine 13 (3), 12-19, 2018
Identifying functional miRNA-mRNA modules based on hypergraph-based learning
SJ Kim, JW Ha, BT Zhang
Proceedings of IEEE International Student Paper Contest, Seoul Section, 73-78, 2012
Evolutionary hypernetwork classifiers for microarray data analysis
B Zhang, S Kim, SJ Kim
US Patent App. 11/890,453, 2009
Evolutionary association learning for detecting higher-order interactions of DNA methylation regions in human diseases
JK Rhee, SJ Kim, BT Zhang
Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference, 420-422, 2012
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Articles 1–20