Осреднение процессов в периодических средах: математические задачи механики композиционных материалов НС Бахвалов, ГП Панасенко " Наука," Глав. ред. физико-математической лит-ры, 1984 | 3848* | 1984 |
Homogenisation: averaging processes in periodic media: mathematical problems in the mechanics of composite materials NS Bakhvalov, GP Panasenko Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989 | 2896* | 1989 |
Multi-scale modelling for structures and composites GP Panasenko Springer, 2005 | 402 | 2005 |
Osrednenie protsessov v periodicheskikh sredakh NS Bakhvalov, GP Panasenko “Nauka”, Moscow, 1984 | 120 | 1984 |
Method of asymptotic partial decomposition of domain GP Panasenko Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 8 (01), 139-156, 1998 | 97 | 1998 |
Finite platelet size could be responsible for platelet margination effect AA Tokarev, AA Butylin, EA Ermakova, EE Shnol, GP Panasenko, ... Biophysical Journal 101 (8), 1835-1843, 2011 | 86 | 2011 |
Asymptotic analysis of the non-steady Navier–Stokes equations in a tube structure. I. The case without boundary-layer-in-time G Panasenko, K Pileckas Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 122, 125-168, 2015 | 81 | 2015 |
Asymptotic analysis of bar systems. II GP Panasenko Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 (1), 87-116, 1996 | 80 | 1996 |
Multicomponent homogenization of processes in strongly nonhomogeneous structures GP Panasenko Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 69 (1), 143, 1991 | 70* | 1991 |
Asymptotic analysis and partial asymptotic decomposition of domain for Stokes equation in tube structure F Blanc, O Gipouloux, G Panasenko, AM Zine Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 9 (09), 1351-1378, 1999 | 65 | 1999 |
A variant of a theorem of Phragmen-Lindelof type for elliptic equations with coefficients that are periodic in all variables but one EM Landis, GP Panasenko Trudy Sem. Petrovski 5, 105-136, 1979 | 64* | 1979 |
Asymptotic analysis of the non-steady Navier–Stokes equations in a tube structure. II. General case G Panasenko, K Pileckas Nonlinear Analysis 125, 582-607, 2015 | 62 | 2015 |
Higher order asymptotics of solutions of problems on the contact of periodic structures GP Panasenko Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik 38 (4), 465, 1981 | 62* | 1981 |
Asymptotic expansion of the solution of Navier-Stokes equation in a tube structure GP Panasenko Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series IIB-Mechanics-Physics …, 1998 | 59 | 1998 |
A theorem on the asymptotics of solutions of elliptic equations with coefficients periodic in all variables except one EM Landis, GP Panasenko Soviet Math. Dokl 18 (4), 1140-1143, 1977 | 56* | 1977 |
Asymptotic methods for micropolar fluids in a tube structure D Dupuy, GP Panasenko, R Stavre Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 14 (05), 735-758, 2004 | 50 | 2004 |
Homogenization of the three-dimensional elasticity problem for an inhomogeneous plate GP Panasenko, MV Reztsov Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 294, 1061-1065, 1987 | 50* | 1987 |
Asymptotic solutions of the system of elasticity theory for rod and frame structures GP Panasenko Sbornik: Mathematics 75 (1), 85, 1993 | 49* | 1993 |
Homogenisation: averaging processes in periodic media: mathematical problems in the mechanics of composite materials NS Bachvalov, GP Panasenko Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989 | 49 | 1989 |
Continuous mathematical model of platelet thrombus formation in blood flow A Tokarev, I Sirakov, G Panasenko, V Volpert, E Shnol, A Butylin, ... Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 27 (2), 191-212, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |