Joris Pelemans
Joris Pelemans
Doctoral Researcher in Speech Recognition, KU Leuven
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Character-word LSTM language models
L Verwimp, J Pelemans, P Wambacq
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.02813, 2017
Sparse non-negative matrix language modeling for skip-grams.
N Shazeer, J Pelemans, C Chelba
Interspeech, 1428-1432, 2015
Automatic assessment of children's reading with the FLaVoR decoding using a phone confusion model
E Yilmaz, J Pelemans, H Van Hamme
International Speech and Communication Association, 2014
Skip-gram language modeling using sparse non-negative matrix probability estimation
N Shazeer, J Pelemans, C Chelba
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.1454, 2014
Improving the translation environment for professional translators
V Vandeghinste, T Vanallemeersch, L Augustinus, B Bulté, F Van Eynde, ...
Informatics 6 (2), 24, 2019
A comparison of different punctuation prediction approaches in a translation context
V Vandeghinste, L Verwimp, J Pelemans, P Wambacq
European Association for Machine Translation, 2018
Analyzing the Contribution of Top-Down Lexical and Bottom-Up Acoustic Cues in the Detection of Sentence Prominence.
S Kakouros, J Pelemans, L Verwimp, P Wambacq, O Räsänen
Interspeech, 1074-1078, 2016
Sparse non-negative matrix language modeling
J Pelemans, N Shazeer, C Chelba
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 4, 329-342, 2016
SCATE-Smart Computer Aided Translation Environment.
V Vandeghinste, T Vanallemeersch, L Augustinus, J Pelemans, ...
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing 4 (2), 2016
Pruning sparse non-negative matrix n-gram language models.
J Pelemans, N Shazeer, C Chelba
Interspeech, 1433-1437, 2015
Van hamme, H., and Wambacq, P.(2019)
L Verwimp, J Pelemans
Tf-lm: Tensorflow-based language modeling toolkit. In http://www. lrec-conf …, 0
Coping with language data sparsity: Semantic head mapping of compound words
J Pelemans, K Demuynck, P Wambacq
2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014
Efficient language model adaptation for automatic speech recognition of spoken translations
J Pelemans, T Vanallemeersch, K Demuynck, P Wambacq
16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association …, 2015
A layered approach for dutch large vocabulary continuous speech recognition
J Pelemans, K Demuynck, P Wambacq
2012 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2012
User-initiated repetition-based recovery in multi-utterance dialogue systems
HL Nguyen, V Renkens, J Pelemans, SP Potharaju, AK Nalamalapu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.01208, 2021
Language model adaptation for ASR of spoken translations using phrase-based translation models and named entity models
J Pelemans, T Vanallemeersch, K Demuynck, L Verwimp, P Wambacq
2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016
STON efficient subtitling in Dutch using state-of-the-art tools
L Verwimp, B Desplanques, K Demuynck, J Pelemans, M Lycke, ...
17th Annual Conference of the International-Speech-Communication-Association …, 2016
Integrating meta-information into recurrent neural network language models
Y Shi, M Larson, J Pelemans, CM Jonker, P Wambacq, P Wiggers, ...
Speech Communication 73, 64-80, 2015
Information-weighted neural cache language models for asr
L Verwimp, J Pelemans, P Wambacq
2018 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT), 756-762, 2018
Domain adaptation for LSTM language models
W Boes, R Van Rompaey, J Pelemans, L Verwimp, P Wambacq
Book of abstracts CLIN27, 57, 2017
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Articles 1–20