José Neiva Mesquita-Neto
José Neiva Mesquita-Neto
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Cited by
Flowers with poricidal anthers and their complex interaction networks—Disentangling legitimate pollinators and illegitimate visitors
JN Mesquita‐Neto, N Blüthgen, C Schlindwein
Functional Ecology 32 (10), 2321-2332, 2018
Heteranthery as a solution to the demand for pollen as food and for pollination–Legitimate flower visitors reject flowers without feeding anthers
JN Mesquita‐Neto, BKP Costa, C Schlindwein
Plant Biology 19 (6), 942-950, 2017
Machine learning approach for automatic recognition of tomato-pollinating bees based on their buzzing-sounds
AP Ribeiro, NFF da Silva, FN Mesquita, PCS Araújo, TC Rosa, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (9), e1009426, 2021
Nectar Secretion of Floral Buds of Tococa guianensis Mediates Interactions With Generalist Ants That Reduce Florivory
JN Mesquita-Neto, EAS Paiva, L Galetto, C Schlindwein
Frontiers in Plant Science 11, 627, 2020
Avocado crops as a floral resource for native bees of Chile
VH Monzón, P Avendaño-Soto, RO Araujo, R Garrido, JN Mesquita-Neto
Revista chilena de historia natural 93, 2020
Trade off between quantity and size of pollen grains in the heterandrous flowers of Senna pendula (Fabaceae)
BK Pinheiro-Costa, JN Mesquita-Neto, JO Rego, C Schlindwein
Acta Botanica Brasilica 32 (3), 446-453, 2018
Minimum size threshold of visiting bees of a buzz‐pollinated plant species: consequences for pollination efficiency
JN Mesquita‐Neto, ALC Vieira, C Schlindwein
American Journal of Botany 108 (6), 1006-1015, 2021
Functional dioecy and moth pollination in Cabralea canjerana subsp. canjerana (Meliaceae)
EV Franceschinelli, RM do Carmo, JN Mesquita Neto
Darwiniana, nueva serie 3 (1), 96-107, 2015
Theoretical predictions of plant-pollinator interactions in sympatric species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae) in Cerrado of Brazil
JN Mesquita-Neto, CM Silva-Neto, EV Franceschinelli
Plant Ecology and Evolution 148 (2), 229-236, 2015
Native bees with floral sonication behaviour can achieve high‐performance pollination of highbush blueberry in Chile
B Cortés‐Rivas, C Smith‐Ramirez, VH Monzón, JN Mesquita‐Neto
Agricultural and Forest Entomology 25 (1), 91-102, 2023
Pollen flow and pollinator sharing among synchronopatric species of Psychotria (Rubiaceae)
JN Mesquita-Neto, JPR Borges, TFF de Sá, TP de Oliveira Teixeira, ...
Plant systematics and evolution 304, 943-953, 2018
Caracterização da avifauna em áreas de cerrado no Brasil Central
C Rocha, R Matia, LM Aguiar, C Melo-Silva, BB Gonçalves, ...
Acta Biológica Catarinense 2 (2), 49-63, 2015
Reproductive biology of L. leucocephala (Lam.) R. de Wit (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae): success of an invasive species
C de Melo-Silva, MP Peres, JNM Neto, BB Gonçalves, IAB Leal
Neotropical Biology and Conservation 9 (2), 91, 2014
Automatic acoustic recognition of pollinating bee species can be highly improved by Deep Learning models accompanied by pre-training and strong data augmentation
AIS Ferreira, NFF Da Silva, FN Mesquita, TC Rosa, VH Monzón, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1081050, 2023
Riqueza e Abundância de Abelhas Euglossini (Hymenoptera, Apidae) em Parques Urbanos de Goiânia, Goiás
VA Grandolfo, RCB Junior, CMS Neto, JNM Neto, BB Gonçalves
EntomoBrasilis 6 (2), 126-131, 2013
Aspectos da riqueza e distribuição de abelhas Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) no Brasil
JNM Neto, CMS Neto, EC Silva, MIC Moreno
Caminhos de Geografia 13 (43), 71-81, 2012
Pollination by native bees achieves high fruit quantity and quality of highbush blueberry: a sustainable alternative to managed pollinators
B Cortés-Rivas, VH Monzón, JO Rego, JN Mesquita-Neto
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7, 1142623, 2023
Importance of biotic pollination varies across common bean cultivars
EV Franceschinelli, PLM Ribeiro, JN Mesquita‐Neto, LL Bergamini, ...
Journal of Applied Entomology, 2021
Native bee fauna of tomato crops: a comparison of active sampling and pan trapping methods
EV Franceschinelli, LL Bergamini, CM Silva-Neto, MAS Elias, GL Moreira, ...
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 109, e2019030, 2019
Economic value of bee pollination in crop production in the State of Goiás
ACC Ribeiro, CM Silva-Neto, BB Gonçalves, JN Mesquita-Neto, ...
Enciclop. Biosf 11 (22), 3592-3603, 2015
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Articles 1–20