Kamran A Mumtaz
Kamran A Mumtaz
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Reduction of micro-cracking in nickel superalloys processed by Selective Laser Melting: A fundamental alloy design approach
NJ Harrison, I Todd, K Mumtaz
Acta Materialia 94, 59-68, 2015
Effect of scanning strategies on residual stress and mechanical properties of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V
H Ali, H Ghadbeigi, K Mumtaz
Materials Science and Engineering: A 712, 175-187, 2018
Top surface and side roughness of Inconel 625 parts processed using selective laser melting
K Mumtaz, N Hopkinson
Rapid Prototyping Journal 15 (2), 96-103, 2009
Reviewed, accepted September 14, 2006
KA Mumtaz, N Hopkinson, P Erasenthiran
In-situ residual stress reduction, martensitic decomposition and mechanical properties enhancement through high temperature powder bed pre-heating of Selective Laser Melted Ti6Al4V
H Ali, L Ma, H Ghadbeigi, K Mumtaz
Materials Science and Engineering: A 695, 211-220, 2017
Selective laser melting of thin wall parts using pulse shaping
KA Mumtaz, N Hopkinson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2), 279-287, 2010
AlSi12 in-situ alloy formation and residual stress reduction using anchorless selective laser melting
P Vora, K Mumtaz, I Todd, N Hopkinson
Additive manufacturing 7, 12-19, 2015
Laser melting functionally graded composition of Waspaloy® and Zirconia powders
KA Mumtaz, N Hopkinson
Journal of materials science 42 (18), 7647-7656, 2007
Processing parameter effects on residual stress and mechanical properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V
H Ali, H Ghadbeigi, K Mumtaz
Journal of materials engineering and performance 27, 4059-4068, 2018
Selective laser melting of Inconel 625 using pulse shaping
K Mumtaz, N Hopkinson
Rapid Prototyping Journal 16 (4), 248-257, 2010
Two-dimensional simulation of grain structure growth within selective laser melted AA-2024
O Lopez-Botello, U Martinez-Hernandez, J Ramírez, C Pinna, K Mumtaz
Materials & Design 113, 369-376, 2017
Laser diode area melting for high speed additive manufacturing of metallic components
M Zavala-Arredondo, N Boone, J Willmott, DTD Childs, P Ivanov, ...
Materials & Design 117, 305-315, 2017
Residual stress development in selective laser-melted Ti6Al4V: a parametric thermal modelling approach
H Ali, H Ghadbeigi, K Mumtaz
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 97, 2621-2633, 2018
Thermal expansion coefficients in Invar processed by selective laser melting
NJ Harrison, I Todd, K Mumtaz
Journal of Materials Science 52, 10517-10525, 2017
A microstructure sensitive model for deformation of Ti-6Al-4V describing Cast-and-Wrought and Additive Manufacturing morphologies
MA Galindo-Fernández, K Mumtaz, PEJ Rivera-Díaz-del-Castillo, ...
Materials & Design 160, 350-362, 2018
In situ alloying of elemental Al-Cu12 feedstock using selective laser melting
R Martinez, I Todd, K Mumtaz
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 14 (3), 242-252, 2019
REVIEWED, August 17 2011
K Mumtaz, P Vora, N Hopkinson
Method for forming an object
MT Furlong, N Hopkinson, KA Mumtaz
US Patent 8,186,414, 2012
Investigation into the material properties of wooden composite structures with in-situ fibre reinforcement using additive manufacturing
K Pitt, O Lopez-Botello, AD Lafferty, I Todd, K Mumtaz
Composites Science and Technology 138, 32-39, 2017
Additive manufacturing of high density carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites
B Karaş, PJ Smith, JPA Fairclough, K Mumtaz
Additive Manufacturing 58, 103044, 2022
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