Rhiannon McCluskey
Cited by
Cited by
Hybrid security governance in Africa: rethinking the foundations of security, justice and legitimate public authority
N Bagayoko, E Hutchful, R Luckham
Conflict, Security & Development 16 (1), 1-32, 2016
Tax revenue mobilisation in developing countries: Issues and challenges
G Mascagni, M Moore, R McCluskey
European Union (Belgium), 2014
Understanding China’s approaches to international development
J Gu, Y Chen, Y Zhang
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2014
China and African development: Partnership not mentoring
J Gu, A Carty
IDS Bulletin 45 (4), 57-69, 2014
The art of ‘bureaucraft’: Why and how bureaucrats respond to citizen voice
A Joshi, R McCluskey
Making All Voices Count Research Briefing, 2018
Is China’s role in African fragile states exploitative or developmental?
J Gu, R McCluskey, FM Mushi
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2015
Why African governments should tax the rich
R McCluskey
International Center for Tax and Development, International Center for Tax …, 2016
Building tax capacity in developing countries
M Moore, OH Fjeldstad, J Isaksen, O Lundstøl, R McCluskey, W Prichard
International Centre for Tax and Development, Institute of Development …, 2015
Tax Revenue Mobilization in Developing Countries: Issues and Challenges. Brussels: European Union, Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union, Directorate B
G Mascagni, M Moore, R McCluskey
Policy Department, 2014
Tax revenue mobilisation in developing countries: issues and challenges
M Moore, G Mascagni, R McCluskey
European Parliament Policy Department Studies Paper, 2014
Property Tax Reform Increases Municipal Revenue in Mzuzu, Malawi
A Chirambo, R McCluskey
Blog post, March 1, 2019, 2019
ICTD Partnerships with African Revenue Authorities: Collaborating for Impactful Research
R McCluskey, M Nalukwago Isingoma 8 (Summary Brief 8), 2017
Africa's First Large-Scale Tax Experiment: Researching Compliance in Rwanda
R McCluskey
International Centre for Tax and Development Summary Brief, 2016
The quest for citizen-led accountability: looking into the state
R McCluskey
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2016
ICTD Partnerships with African Revenue Authorities: Collaborating for Impactful Research|| Les partenariats entre l’ICTD et les autoritésfiscales africaines: travailler …
R McCluskey, M Nalukwago Isingoma
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2017
Africa’s First Large-Scale Tax Experiment: Researching Compliance in Rwanda|| Première experimentation fiscale à grande echelle en Afrique: Recherche sur la conformité au Rwanda
R McCluskey
The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 2016
Constructing Capacity to Confront Complex Tax Evasion in Africa: Opportunities, Challenges, Limits, and Ways Forward
R McCluskey
University of Sussex, 2014
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Articles 1–17