Rong Hai
Cited by
Cited by
Inequality in human capital and endogenous credit constraints
R Hai, JJ Heckman
Review of economic dynamics 25, 4-36, 2017
Income inequality, tax policy, and economic growth
S Biswas, I Chakraborty, R Hai
The Economic Journal 127 (601), 688-727, 2017
A dynamic model of health, addiction, education, and wealth
R Hai, JJ Heckman
Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics Working Paper, 2019
On the welfare cost of consumption fluctuations in the presence of memorable goods
R Hai, D Krueger, A Postlewaite
Quantitative Economics 11 (4), 1177-1214, 2020
The real effects of financial (dis) integration: A multi-country equilibrium analysis of Europe
I Chakraborty, R Hai, HA Holter, S Stepanchuk
Journal of Monetary Economics 85, 28-45, 2017
The causal effects of youth cigarette addiction and education
R Hai, JJ Heckman
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Returns to community lending
I Chakraborty, V Chhaochharia, R Hai, P Vatsa
University of Miami Business School Research Paper, 2021
The Determinants of Rising Inequality in Health Insurance and Wages, Second Version
R Hai
PIER Working Paper, 2015
The Impact of Juvenile Conviction on Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes
L Golan, R Hai, H Wabiszewski, 2021
Supplement to ‘On the welfare cost of consumption fluctuations in the presence of memorable goods’
R Hai, D Krueger, A Postlewaite
Quantitative Economics Supplemental Material 11, 2020
The Role of Skilled Labor in Income-based Government-directed Bank Lending
I Chakraborty, V Chhaochharia, R Hai, P Vatsa
SMU Cox School of Business Research Paper, 2023
Banking Access and Racial Inequality: Wealth and Human Capital Accumulation of Young Men
R Hai
Available at SSRN 3919250, 2023
A Note on Age Structure and COVID-19 Transmission in US
R Hai
University of Miami Business School Research Paper, 2020
On the Welfare Cost of Consumption Fluctuations in the Presence of Memorable Goods
A Postlewaite, D Krueger, R Hai
CEPR Discussion Papers, 2013
On the welfare cost of consumption fluctuations in the presence of memorable goods:[version october 17, 2013]
R Hai, D Krueger, A Postlewaite
Center for Financial Studies, 2013
A tractable framework for analyzing a class of nonstationary Markov models 1289 Michael P. Leung Equilibrium computation in discrete network games …
R Hai, D Krueger, A Postlewaite, P Renner, K Schmedders, C Bayer, ...
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Articles 1–16