LMI Relaxations for Reduced-Order Robust Control of Continuous-Time Uncertain Linear Systems CM Agulhari, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (6), 1532-1537, 2011
139 2011 Algorithm 998: The Robust LMI Parser—A toolbox to construct LMI conditions for uncertain systems CM Agulhari, A Felipe, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 45 (3), 1-25, 2019
131 2019 Robust LMI parser: A computational package to construct LMI conditions for uncertain systems CM Agulhari, R De Oliveira, PLD Peres
XIX Brazilian Conference on Automation (CBA 2012), 2298-2305, 2012
114 2012 Parameters estimation of three-phase induction motors using differential evolution JJ Guedes, MF Castoldi, A Goedtel, CM Agulhari, DS Sanches
Electric Power Systems Research 154, 204-212, 2018
89 2018 Robust ℋ∞ static output-feedback design for time-invariant discrete-time polytopic systems from parameter-dependent state-feedback gains CM Agulhari, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
Proceedings of the 2010 american control conference, 4677-4682, 2010
53 2010 Static output feedback control of polytopic systems using polynomial Lyapunov functions CM Agulhari, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
49th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 6894-6901, 2010
36 2010 ℋ∞ dynamic output feedback for LPV systems subject to inexactly measured scheduling parameters CM Agulhari, ES Tognetti, RCLF Oliveira, PLD Peres
2013 American control conference, 6060-6065, 2013
35 2013 An adaptive run length encoding method for the compression of electrocardiograms CM Agulhari, IS Bonatti, PLD Peres
Medical Engineering & Physics 35 (2), 145-153, 2013
34 2013 Observer-based state-feedback control design for LPV periodic discrete-time systems CM Agulhari, MJ Lacerda
European Journal of Control 49, 1-14, 2019
18 2019 Robust stability analysis of linear parameter-varying systems with Markov jumps AN Vargas, CM Agulhari, RCLF Oliveira, VM Preciado
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (11), 6234-6239, 2021
17 2021 Inter-turn short-circuit fault diagnosis using robust adaptive parameter estimation RPP de Souza, CM Agulhari, A Goedtel, MF Castoldi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 139, 107999, 2022
14 2022 Parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions for robust performance of uncertain systems PSP Pessim, MJ Lacerda, CM Agulhari
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (25), 293-298, 2018
11 2018 Robust ℋ 2 controller with parametric uncertainties applied to a reaction wheel unicycle GP Neves, BA Angélico, CM Agulhari
International Journal of Control 93 (10), 2431-2441, 2020
10 2020 Differential evolution applied to line-connected induction motors stator fault identification JJ Guedes, MF Castoldi, A Goedtel, CM Agulhari, DS Sanches
Soft Computing 23, 11217-11226, 2019
10 2019 A genetic algorithm to compress electrocardiograms using parameterized wavelets RMR Silveira, CM Agulhari, IS Bonatti, PLD Peres
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2007
9 2007 Stabilizing nonlinear Markov jump systems with orthogonality between control and nonlinear terms AN Vargas, SM Filho, CM Agulhari, MAF Montezuma, EF Costa
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30 (13), 5122-5133, 2020
8 2020 Robust real‐time parameter estimation for linear systems affected by external noises and uncertainties CM Agulhari, JMM Neto, MJ Lacerda, RPP de Souza, MF Castoldi, ...
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 35 (2), 203-220, 2021
7 2021 A new methodology to compute stabilizing control laws for continuous‐time LTV systems CM Agulhari, G Garcia, S Tarbouriech, PLD Peres
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 28 (13), 4045-4057, 2018
7 2018 Stability analysis of discrete-time LPV switched systems MJ Lacerda, CM Agulhari
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 6145-6150, 2020
6 2020 Robust periodic observer-based control for periodic discrete-time LTV systems CM Agulhari, MJ Lacerda
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 2942-2947, 2016
6 2016