Sarion Bowers
Sarion Bowers
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Cited by
Sharing and reuse of individual participant data from clinical trials: principles and recommendations
C Ohmann, R Banzi, S Canham, S Battaglia, M Matei, C Ariyo, L Becnel, ...
BMJ open 7 (12), e018647, 2017
GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare
HL Rehm, AJH Page, L Smith, JB Adams, G Alterovitz, LJ Babb, ...
Cell genomics 1 (2), 2021
Assembly of Drosophila centromeric chromatin proteins during mitosis
BG Mellone, KJ Grive, V Shteyn, SR Bowers, I Oderberg, GH Karpen
PLoS genetics 7 (5), e1002068, 2011
Establishment of centromeric chromatin by the CENP-A assembly factor CAL1 requires FACT-mediated transcription
CC Chen, S Bowers, Z Lipinszki, J Palladino, S Trusiak, E Bettini, L Rosin, ...
Developmental cell 34 (1), 73-84, 2015
The Data Use Ontology to streamline responsible access to human biomedical datasets
J Lawson, MN Cabili, G Kerry, T Boughtwood, A Thorogood, P Alper, ...
Cell Genomics 1 (2), 2021
Runx1 binds as a dimeric complex to overlapping Runx1 sites within a palindromic element in the human GM-CSF enhancer
SR Bowers, FJ Calero-Nieto, S Valeaux, N Fernandez-Fuentes, ...
Nucleic acids research 38 (18), 6124-6134, 2010
A conserved insulator that recruits CTCF and cohesin exists between the closely related but divergently regulated interleukin-3 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating …
SR Bowers, F Mirabella, FJ Calero-Nieto, S Valeaux, S Hadjur, EW Baxter, ...
Molecular and cellular biology, 2009
GA4GH Passport standard for digital identity and access permissions
C Voisin, M Linden, SOM Dyke, SR Bowers, P Alper, MP Barkley, ...
Cell Genomics 1 (2), 2021
A Role for the CAL1-Partner Modulo in Centromere Integrity and Accurate Chromosome Segregation in Drosophila
CC Chen, E Greene, SR Bowers, BG Mellone
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45094, 2012
Sharing and reuse of individual participant data from clinical trials: principles and recommendations. BMJ Open 7: e018647
C Ohmann, R Banzi, S Canham, S Battaglia, M Matei, C Ariyo, L Becnel, ...
The inducible tissue-specific expression of the human IL-3/GM-CSF locus is controlled by a complex array of developmentally regulated enhancers
EW Baxter, F Mirabella, SR Bowers, SR James, AM Bonavita, E Bertrand, ...
The Journal of Immunology 189 (9), 4459-4469, 2012
EOSCpilot Ethics: Supporting Document to D3. 3 Draft Policy Recommendations
S Canham, C Ohmann, M Matei, S Battaglia, S Bowers, MPDC Druml, ...
ethics 1, 02, 2018
Starting from scratch: de novo kinetochore assembly in vertebrates
SR Bowers, BG Mellone
The EMBO Journal 30 (19), 3882-3884, 2011
Data and privacy: Can sharing your personal data protect your freedom?
S Bowers
Chemistry in Australia, 33, 2015
Prior epigenetic priming of cytokine genes in naive T cells is required for their subsequent activation by inducible enhancers
SR James, SL Bevington, F Mirabella, M Boissinot, EW Baxter, ...
Epigenetics & Chromatin 6, 1-1, 2013
De novo CENP-A incorporation requires FACT-mediated transcription
S Bowers, CC Chen, J Palladino, L Rosin, B Mellone
MeCP2 and its interaction with Sin3a, chromatin and DNA
SR Bowers
University of Cambridge, 2007
Sharing health data-lessons for the UK from the European Health Data Space
R Richards, M Raven-Adams, J Maddocks, S Bowers
Sharing and re-use of individual participant data from clinical trials: Principles and recommendations
I Network, S Bowers, L Clivio, T Groves, K Ghassan, ...
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (ELSI): Quick tour
S Bowers
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Articles 1–20